

    Summer League Result Entry

    Hi Folks,

    Our website architect has worked very hard, and managed to update the website to support the summer league results entry mix of singles and doubles matches in each fixture.

    When you come to enter the doubles teams you won’t have any set up. You could do that ahead of time but the system will help you if you just enter them as un-listed doubles teams along with their scores.

    When you hit ‘Enter match results’ it will go back round again to the same results entry page but his time you will have some fields to fill in at the bottom of the page to explain who is playing in these unknown doubles teams:

    You can select the players who will hopefully all be there but… if you have a new player you’ll need to go round the same loop again by choosing un-listed player and that will get you this form:

    You get another shot at choosing the player (who could be retired) but if the player is really new then just type their name into the new player name field and hit ‘Update match results’ at the bottom.

    Please let us know if you encounter any problems.


    GSRA Committee