

    Defence Academy pre requirements and Wiltshire Teams home matches.

    A message from the Defence Academy as shown below.

    1. Defence Academy. Captain Mike Hyland. Start time 7:20pm
    Note as this is an active MOD base player names need to be sent to Mike at least 48hrs beforehand. Players will need photo id (passports or driving licence to gain admission- also allow 15 mins from arrival to get to the courts.

    please contact the team captain at least 2 days prior before the match taking place.

    All Captains contact details are in the sub heading "clubs" and then select the club of choice

    any issues regarding matches please email Rich Ellis (His details can be found under the sub heading "about" and then Committee. please also cc in the corresponding team captain.

    Wiltshire Clubs have contacted me stating that they will not be able to play home matches on Wedensday nights due to their courts being in use for other reasons. Therefore please allow your away matches against Wiltshire teams to be played on a Thursday evening instead of a Wednesday evening. This will be adjusted on the fixtures list accordingly.

    Please be aware we are trialling out a merger with Wiltshire squash over the summer to see how this works and how it can be incorporated for the winter league. I understand it will not please everybody, however, working along with Wiltshire Squash we are actively targetting declining participation rates both in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire and we are planning strategies to change the current decline and create a U-Turn.


    Kind regards

    Mark Toseland