Login: | Glos Junior County Closed TournamentGLOUCESTERSHIRE JUNIOR COUNTY CLOSED 15 and 16 September 2018 At Cheltenham Ladies College
We are really excited to announce that the Gloucestershire County Closed will be held over the weekend of 15 and 16 September 2018 at Cheltenham Ladies College. The event is open to ALL junior players and will also be used as trials for the upcoming intercounty squash season. England Squash rules apply and entry fee is £15 per person. Please ensure availability all weekend as age groups may play over 2 days depending on the number of entries. Payment should be made online to: Bank Account: Gloucestershire Junior Squash Association Sort-Code: 30-95-72 Account: 00372506 Please include in the reference box name and age group of child. Closing Date for entries is Monday 10 September 2018. Please complete following details to enter:
Photographs will be taken at the event and used to advertise activities of GJSA. Please confirm if you DO NOT want your child pictures I consent to abode by England Squash rules and that the tournament organisers decision is final.