

    GSA Committee meeting

    Hi all,

    The GSA are holding a committee meeting at Riverside Sports and Leisure Club on monday 19th at 19:30.

    We will be discussing important steps in the process of turning the GSA into a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) alongside developments of the County Closed Tournament coming up as well as Tom Fords Pro-Am Doubles Tournament coming up in June.

    We would like to invite you to come and join us to join the discussions and if you would like to be involved in the decisions that gloucestershire squash makes towards developing participation and supporting grass roots squash.

    We will discuss the business model for the GSA moving forward and proposing Trustees during the meeting. Along side this we will be discussing sponsorship proposals and how we can best integrate ourselves with corporate funders and provide networking opportunites for all those involved.

    If you are keen to attend, please e-mail me prior to your attendance so we can gauge numbers for the evening.

    Kind regards

    Mark Toseland